by SevenSummits 30 May 2024

Checkpoints to check before going hiking or trail running with your child, and ways to keep your child entertained during the activity

Mountain climbing and trail running with your child is a great opportunity to share an adventure in nature and deepen family bonds. However, advance preparation and ingenuity during the activity are important. In this article, we will introduce the checkpoints you should check before going mountain climbing or trail running with your child, and ideas to keep your child from getting bored.

Checkpoints to check before going hiking or trail running

1. Check the route and itinerary

Route Selection

  • Choose a route that is appropriate for your child's physical strength and age. We recommend a route that can be enjoyed in a short amount of time and has rest points along the way.
  • By choosing trails suitable for beginners or families, you can enjoy yourself safely.

Confirmation of itinerary

  • Check the distance and elevation change of the course and plan a reasonable itinerary.
  • It is important to estimate spare time and allow yourself plenty of time before you plan.

2. Prepare the necessary equipment

Basic Equipment

  • Hiking or trail running shoes: Choose shoes that are grippy and have good ankle support.
  • Backpack: Prepare a lightweight, easy-to-carry backpack that will hold drinking water, snacks, rain gear, and a first aid kit.

Children's equipment

  • Backpack for kids: Choose one that is lightweight and fits well.
  • Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses: Take proper precautions against UV rays.
  • Change of clothes: Bring a change of clothes in case you get sweaty or dirty.

3. Check the weather and local information

Check the weather

  • Check the weather forecast before you leave and consider altering your plans if rain or thunder is forecast.
  • Bring a rain jacket and cold weather gear in case the weather suddenly changes.

Check local information

  • Check the trailhead and parking information in advance to find out how to get there.
  • It's a good idea to know the locations of rest areas and water sources along the way.

Ways to keep your child engaged during activities

1. Incorporate nature observation games

Observing plants and animals

  • Observe the plants and animals you come across during your hike and research their names and characteristics together.
  • Bring a nature observation notebook with you and sketch or take notes on what you find to keep you interested.

Bingo Games

  • Create a "list of things to find" in advance and enjoy nature observation in a bingo format. For example, it's a game where you check off things you find, such as "red flowers," "big trees," and "frogs."

2. Use storytelling

Adventure Story

  • Create adventure stories together while hiking or trail running. Children can be the main characters in stories and enjoy imaginative adventures in the woods.

Natural History

  • By telling your child about the history and origins of the natural scenery and landforms you come across along the way, you can add an educational element to the walk and make it more enjoyable.

3. Organize your breaks

Picnic Time

  • Pack a fun picnic along the way with some special snacks and drinks - kids will enjoy eating while taking in the beautiful views.

Activity Break

  • Incorporate small activities into your breaks, like building a tower with rocks or making art with leaves, and have fun playing with natural materials.

4. Go at your child's pace

Don't force yourself

  • It is important to walk at your child's pace and take a break as soon as they get tired. By not forcing them, the experience will be memorable and enjoyable.

Gain experience of success

  • Set simple goals and help them develop a sense of accomplishment to build their confidence. Short goals like "try your best until the next rest point" are effective.


Mountain climbing and trail running with your child are valuable opportunities to share a wonderful experience in nature. Be sure to prepare well in advance and plan a safe and fun activity. By incorporating nature observation games, storytelling, and creative break times, you can keep your children entertained.

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